Command line tools ================== ``nestrun`` ----------- ``nestrun`` takes a command template and a list of control.json files with variables to substitute. Substitution is performed using the Python built-in ``str.format`` method. See the `Python Formatter documentation`_ for details on syntax, and ``examples/jsonrun/`` for an example. .. _`Python Formatter documentation`: Help ^^^^ :: usage: [-h] [-j N] [--template 'template text'] [--stop-on-error] [--template-file FILE] [--save-cmd-file SAVECMD_FILE] [--log-file LOG_FILE | --no-log] [--dry-run] [--summary-file SUMMARY_FILE] json_files [json_files ...] nestrun - substitute values into a template and run commands in parallel. positional arguments: json_files Nestly control dictionaries optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -j N, --processes N, --local N Run a maximum of N processes in parallel locally (default: 2) --template 'template text' Command-execution template, e.g. bash {infile}. By default, nestrun executes the templatefile. --stop-on-error Terminate remaining processes if any process returns non-zero exit status (default: False) --template-file FILE Command-execution template file path. --save-cmd-file SAVECMD_FILE Name of the file that will contain the command that was executed. --log-file LOG_FILE Name of the file that will contain output of the executed command. --no-log Don't create a log file --dry-run Dry run mode, does not execute commands. --summary-file SUMMARY_FILE Write a summary of the run to the specified file ``nestagg`` ----------- The ``nestagg`` command provides a mechanism for combining results of multiple runs. Currently, the only supported action is merging delimited files from a set of leaves, adding values from the control dictionary on each. Help ^^^^ :: usage: delim [-h] [-k KEYS | -x EXCLUDE_KEYS] [-m {fail,warn}] [-s SEPARATOR] [-t] [-o OUTPUT] file_template control.json [control.json ...] positional arguments: file_template Template for the delimited file to read in each directory [e.g. '{run_id}.csv'] control.json Control files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -k KEYS, --keys KEYS Comma separated list of keys from the JSON file to include [default: all keys] -x EXCLUDE_KEYS, --exclude-keys EXCLUDE_KEYS Comma separated list of keys from the JSON file not to include [default: None] -m {fail,warn}, --missing-action {fail,warn} Action to take when a file is missing [default: fail] -s SEPARATOR, --separator SEPARATOR Separator [default: ,] -t, --tab Files are tab-separated -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Output file [default: stdout]