Source code for nestly.core

Core functions for building nests.

import collections
import errno
import functools
import itertools
import json
import os
import os.path
import sys
import warnings

CONTROL_NAME = 'control.json'

# Load a JSON file into an ordered dict
ordered_load = functools.partial(json.load,

[docs]def stripext(path): """ Return the basename, minus extension, of a path. :param string path: Path to file """ return os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(path)[0])
def _mkdirs(d): """ Make all directories up to d. No exception is raised if d exists. """ try: os.makedirs(d) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise _Nestable = collections.namedtuple('Nestable', ('name', 'nestable', 'create_dir', 'update', 'label_func')) def _is_iter(iterable): """ Return whether an item is iterable or not """ try: iter(iterable) return True except TypeError: return False def _repeat_iter(iterable): def repeat_iter(ctl): return iterable return repeat_iter def _templated(fn): """ Return a function which applies ``str.format(**ctl)`` to all results of ``fn(ctl)``. """ @functools.wraps(fn) def inner(ctl): return [i.format(**ctl) for i in fn(ctl)] return inner
[docs]class Nest(object): """ Nests are used to build nested parameter selections, culminating in a directory structure representing choices made, and a JSON dictionary with all selections. Build parameter combinations with :meth:`Nest.add`, then create a nested directory structure with :meth:``. :param control_name: Name JSON file to be created in each leaf :param indent: Indentation level in json file :param fail_on_clash: Error if a nest level attempts to overwrite a previous value :param warn_on_clash: Print a warning if a nest level attempts ot overwrite a previous value :param base_dict: Base dictionary to start all control dictionaries from (default: ``{}``) """ def __init__(self, control_name=CONTROL_NAME, indent=2, fail_on_clash=False, warn_on_clash=True, base_dict=None): self.control_name = control_name self.indent = indent self.fail_on_clash = fail_on_clash self.warn_on_clash = warn_on_clash self._levels = [] self.base_dict = base_dict or collections.OrderedDict()
[docs] def iter(self, root=None): """ Create an iterator of (directory, control_dict) tuples for all valid parameter choices in this :class:`Nest`. :param root: Root directory :rtype: Generator of ``(directory, control_dictionary)`` tuples. """ def inner(control, nestables, dirs=None): #FIXME: This is messy if not dirs: dirs = [] if nestables: # Still more nestables to consume. n = nestables[0] result = n.nestable(control) for r in result: ctl = control.copy() if n.update: # Make sure expected key exists if not in r: raise KeyError("Missing key for {0}".format( # Check for collisions u = frozenset(control.keys()) & frozenset(r.keys()) if u: if self.fail_on_clash: raise KeyError("Key overlap: {0}".format(u)) elif self.warn_on_clash: #FIXME: Something better here print >>sys.stderr, "Key overlap:", u ctl.update(r) # For directory making below r = r[] else: ctl[] = r new_dirs = (dirs + [n.label_func(r)] if n.create_dir else dirs[:]) for d, c in inner(ctl, nestables[1:], new_dirs): yield d, c else: # At leaf node yield os.path.join(root or '', *dirs), control return inner(self.base_dict, self._levels[:])
def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over directory, control pairs. Same as :meth:`Nest.iter`. """ return self.iter()
[docs] def build(self, root="runs"): """ Build a nested directory structure, starting in ``root`` :param root: Root directory for structure """ for d, control in self.iter(root): _mkdirs(d) with open(os.path.join(d, self.control_name), 'w') as fp: json.dump(control, fp, indent=self.indent) # RJSON and some other tools like a trailing newline fp.write('\n')
[docs] def add(self, name, nestable, create_dir=True, update=False, label_func=str, template_subs=False): """ Add a level to the nest :param string name: Name of the level. Forms the key in the output dictionary. :param nestable: Either an iterable object containing values, _or_ a function which takes a single argument (the control dictionary) and returns an iterable object containing values :param boolean create_dir: Should a directory level be created for this nestable? :param boolean update: Should the control dictionary be updated with the results of each value returned by the nestable? Only valid for dictionary results; useful for updating multiple values. At a minimum, a key-value pair corresponding to ``name`` must be returned. :param label_func: Function to be called to convert each value to a directory label. :param boolean template_subs: Should the strings in / returned by nestable be treated as templates? If true, str.format is called with the current values of the control dictionary. """ # Convert everything to functions if not callable(nestable): if not _is_iter(nestable): raise ValueError("Invalid nestable: " + str(nestable)) if isinstance(nestable, basestring): warnings.warn( "Passed a string as an iterable for name {0}".format(name)) old_nestable = nestable nestable = _repeat_iter(old_nestable) if template_subs: nestable = _templated(nestable) self._levels.append(_Nestable(name, nestable, create_dir, update, label_func))
[docs]def nest_map(control_iter, map_fn): """ Apply ``map_fn`` to the directories defined by ``control_iter`` For each control file in control_iter, map_fn is called with the directory and control file contents as arguments. Example:: >>> list(nest_map(['run1/control.json', 'run2/control.json'], ... lambda d, c: c['run_id'])) [1, 2] :param control_iter: Iterable of paths to JSON control files :param function map_fn: Function to run for each control file. It should accept two arguments: the directory of the control file and the json-decoded contents of the control file. :returns: A generator of the results of applying ``map_fn`` to elements in ``control_iter`` """ def fn(control_path): """ Read the control file, return the result of calling map_fn """ with open(control_path) as fp: control = ordered_load(fp) dn = os.path.dirname(control_path) return map_fn(dn, control) mapped = itertools.imap(fn, control_iter) return mapped
[docs]def control_iter(base_dir, control_name=CONTROL_NAME): """ Generate the names of all control files under base_dir """ controls = (os.path.join(p, control_name) for p, _, fs in os.walk(base_dir) if control_name in fs) return controls