Comparing two algorithms ======================== This is a realistic example of using ``nestly`` to examine the performance of two algorithms. Source code to run it is available in ``examples/adcl/``. We will use the ``min_adcl_tree`` subcommand of the ``rppr`` tool from the ``pplacer`` suite, available from This tool chooses ``k`` `representative leaves from a phylogenetic tree`_. There are two implementations: the **Full** algorithm solves the problem exactly, while the **PAM** algorithm uses a variation on the `partitioning among medoids`_ heuristic to find a solution. We'd like to compare the two algorithms on a variety of trees, using different values for ``k``. Making the nest --------------- Setting up the comparison is demonstrated in ````, which builds up combinations of ``(algorithm, tree, k)``: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/adcl/ :language: python :linenos: Running that: .. code-block:: sh $ ./ Creates a new directory, ``runs``. Within this directory are subdirectories for each algorithm:: runs/full runs/pam Each of these contains a directory for each tree used: .. code-block:: sh $ ls runs/pam random001 random002 random003 random004 random005 Within each of *these* subdirectories are directories for each choice of ``k``. .. code-block:: sh $ ls runs/pam/random001 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 These directories are leaves. There is a JSON_ file in each, containing the choices made. For example, ``runs/full/random003/401/control.json`` contains: .. code-block:: javascript { "algorithm": "full", "tree": "/home/cmccoy/development/nestly/examples/adcl/trees/random003.tre", "n_leaves": 1000, "k": 401 } Running the algorithm --------------------- The ``nestrun`` command-line tool allows you to run a command for each combination of parameters in a nest. It allows you to substitute parameters chosen by surrounding them in curly brackets, e.g. ``{algorithm}``. To see how long, and how much memory each run uses, we'll use the short shell script ````: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/adcl/ :language: sh :linenos: Note the placeholders for the parameters to be provided at runtime: ``k``, ``tree``, and ``algorithm``. Running a script like ```` on every experiment within a nest in parallel is facilitated by the ``nestrun`` script distributed with ``nestly``: .. code-block:: sh $ nestrun -j 4 --template-file -d runs (this will take awhile) This command runs the shell script ```` for each parameter choice, substituting the appropriate parameters. The ``-j 4`` flag indicates that 4 processors should be used. Aggregating results ------------------- Now we have a little CSV file in each leaf directory, containing the running time:: |----------+--------+-------------| | elapsed | maxmem | exitstatus | |----------+--------+-------------| | 17.78 | 471648 | 0 | |----------+--------+-------------| To analyze these en-masse, we need to combine them and add information about the parameters used to generate them. The ``nestagg`` script does just this. .. code-block:: sh $ nestagg delim -d runs -o results.csv time.csv -k algorithm,k,tree Where ``-d runs`` indicates the directory containing program runs; ``-o results.csv`` specifies where to write the output; ``time.csv`` gives the name of the file in each leaf directory, and ``-k algorithm,k,tree`` lists the parameters to add to each row of the CSV files. Looking at ``results.csv``:: |----------+---------+------------+-----------+---------------------------------------+------| | elapsed | maxmem | exitstatus | algorithm | tree | k | |----------+---------+------------+-----------+---------------------------------------+------| | 17.04 | 941328 | 0 | full | .../examples/adcl/trees/random001.tre | 1 | | 20.86 | 944336 | 0 | full | .../examples/adcl/trees/random001.tre | 101 | | 31.75 | 944320 | 0 | full | .../examples/adcl/trees/random001.tre | 201 | | 39.34 | 980048 | 0 | full | .../examples/adcl/trees/random001.tre | 301 | | 37.84 | 1118960 | 0 | full | .../examples/adcl/trees/random001.tre | 401 | | 42.15 | 1382000 | 0 | full | .../examples/adcl/trees/random001.tre | 501 | etc Now we have something we can look at! .. image:: _static/adcl_plot_result.png So: PAM is faster for large ``k``, and always has lower maximum memory use. (generated by ``examples/adcl/03analyze.R``) .. _`partitioning among medoids`: .. _JSON: .. _`representative leaves from a phylogenetic tree`: